2014 NFL Punt, Pass & Kick

The El Campo Lions Club will be hosting it’s annual NFL Punt, Pass & Kick competition at the El Campo Ricebird High School Football field on October 4, 2014.  Registration is 8:00 am – 9:00 am.

1st place winners advance to Sectional with a chance to compete at Houston Texans game

Boys & Girls compete separately for age groups: 6/7, 8/9, 10/11, 12/13, 14/15

Signup and rules online at: http://www.nflppk.com/competitions/search/local   Zip Code: 77437

Must bring birth certificate , and registration form if online signup | Age as of December 31, 2014

May only participate in 1 NFL punt, pass & kick event. | Visit http://www.nflppk.com for all rules.